
TO :




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Route Information

The timetable for this route is now managed through Transport Tasmania.

Service changes from Sunday 20th January 2019

  • Improved connectivity with all Swansea and Bicheno services travelling via Sorell which is the closest regional centre to the East Coast. Swansea services will no longer divert via Richmond
  • An increase in services for both Bicheno and Swansea
  • Bicheno will have a daily return service, including weekends
  • Swansea will have two daily return services on school days and a daily return on weekends
  • Interim connections to Coles Bay will be provided between Bicheno and Coles Bay services. These linkages as will be improved in mid-2019 when St Helens and Coles Bay services are implemented
Hobart CBD Stop Changes
  • Bicheno and Swansea services will drop off and pick up passengers closer to the Hobart CBD, with a central stop at Elizabeth Street (town hall). Services will no longer pick up and drop off at Brisbane Street or Elizabeth Street (Hydro Tasmania building)
Route Number Changes
  • Route numbers will change for both Bicheno and Swansea services:
  • Bicheno to Hobart: 737
  • Swansea to Hobart: 736

Latest Network updates

Tassielink wishes to advice all customers the 796 1:03 out of Cressy to Launceston is running late due to unforeseen circumstances. Please remain at all stops.
Tassielink wishes to advise all customers. School holiday timetables start Monday 15th April. Normal weekday school timetable services recommence Monday 29th April.
Tassielink wishes to advise that due to an accident on the Tasman Highway just before Midway Point our Port Arthur and Bicheno services are experiencing delays. Please remain at your stops and we will be with you as soon as we can. We thank you for your patience and understanding.